Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sim only contract: 100 minutes + 3000 SMS + 500 MB Internet effectively for ~3€ per month

  • Mobilcom-debitel Talk Easy 100 Minuten Aktionstarif im Netz von E-Plus for ~3€ per month 
  • Effective Monthly price: 2.99€ (9.90€-6.91€), Minimum contract duration: 24 months
  • Monthly price is 9.90. Handyliga will reimburse 165.84€ (=24 months *6.91€) within 4 to 6 weeks of SIM activation
  • Connection fee (~30€) will be reimbursed if you send an SMS using the new SIM card with text 'AP frei' to the number 8362 (within 14 days receiving SIM card)
  • Effective Price calculation (in 2 years):  9.90€ * 24 months - 165.84€ (reimbursement) = ~72€ for 2 years or ~3€ per month
Tariff highlights:
  • 100 minutes talktime per month for free to call any mobile network or land-line in Germany. After free allowance, 39 cents per minute
  • 3000 SMS per month for free. After free allowance, 19 cents per SMS
  • 500 MB internet per month for free. Speed reduces after free allowance

  1. If you do not cancel the contract on time (usually at-least 3 months before the contract end period), the contract will auto-extend with ~20€ per month and you will not get any reimbursements
  2. You can use website like, to generate cancellation letter if you do not want to auto-extend the contract after 24 months. Or here is an example cancellation template,
"Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Kündigung des Mobilfunkvertrages <your mobile number>
Kundennummer: <your customer number from the contract>

hiermit kündige ich als Vertragsinhaber den bei Ihnen bestehenden vertrag mit der Mobilfunkrufnummer <your mobile number> fristgerecht zum nächstmöglichen Termin.
Mobilfunknummer: ______________________
Name und Anschrift : ______________________
Bitte senden Sie mir eine schriftliche Bestätigung dieser Kündigung unter Angabe des Beendigungszeitpunktes zu

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